Not available because the selected catalog already is in the top level!
Moves the selected catalog out of a folder into the top level.
Submenu 窶廴ove catalog窶
Use this menu to move catalogs in an out of folders.
Using drag&drop is of course much easier!
Organizes items in the active window alphabetically by creator.
That is a four character key that developers use to identify their application files, e.g. 'NDCD'.
Organizes items in the active window alphabetically by filetype.
That is a four character key that tells applications the type of the file, e.g. 'TEXT'.
Organizes items in the active window alphabetically by the date the item was created.
Organizes items in the active window alphabetically by comments.
Not available because there is nothing to sort or the found objects window does not contain this column.
Organizes items in the active window by catalog.
Organizes items in the active window by kind.
Organizes items in the active window by the date the item was last changed.
Organizes items in the active window by label.
Not available because there is nothing to sort or the main window does not contain this column.
Organizes items in the main window by available space.
Not available because there is nothing to sort or the current window does not contain this column.
Organizes items in the active window by size.
Checked because this is the current display for the active window.
Not available because there is nothing to sort.
Organizes items in the active window alphabetically by name.
Checked because the main window already displays small icons.
Use small icons to display the catalogs in the main window.
This will save a lot of space on your display!
Checked because the main window already displays large icons.
Not available because the current window is not the main window.
Use large icons to display the contents of the main window.
View Menu
Not available because the current window does not contain a list.
View Menu
Use this menu to sort the contents of any list window in CDFinder.
Displays a dialog where you can enter your personal registration keyword you have received from the author.
Displays a dialog where you can enter all your personal data to print a registration form.
Not available because no catalog is selected.
Moves the selected catalog into a catalog folder or out of it.
Not available because a dialog window is currently active or the statistics window is already the current one.
Displays a window with lots of statistics, like the number of items in all catalog files, or the memory usage of CDFinder.
Not available because no catalog item or found object is selected.
Shows the original item for the selected item in the Finder.
If the volume containing the original item is not online, CDFinder will ask you to insert it!
Not available because no found object is selected.
Shows the original item for the selected found object in the catalog window.
Not available because no catalog window is active or the first level is already displayed.
Displays the top level of a catalog in the current catalog window. That is the level you will see when you first open the catalog.
Not available because no catalog window is active or the top level is already displayed.
Displays the previous level in the current catalog window. Thus you move one level up in the folder hierarchy or the catalog.
Special Menu
Use this menu to navigate through catalog levels, open a statistics window or enter your registration.
This is the current label for the selected item.
Assigns this label to the selected item.
The selected item has no label.
Not available because nothing is selected.
Deletes the label for the selected item.
Label menu
Not available because nothing is selected.
Label menu
Use this menu to assign labels to items in CDFinder windows. Labels can be used to organize related catalogs.
Not available because the preferences window is already the current window or a dialog window is currently active.
Lets you set general CDFinder preferences (for example, the folder to store catalog files and the names used for labels).
Deletes the selected object.
Not available because only objects in the main window, any catalog window, or the found items can be selected.
Selects all objects in the current window.
Not available because there is nothing on the Clipboard, or because the contents of the Clipboard cannot be pasted at the current insertion point or selection.
Places the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point (or in place of the current selection).
Copies the selected text or graphics. The original selection remains where it is, and the copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard.
Not available because no text is selected.
Cuts the selected text or graphics. The material you cut is removed and placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard.
Not available because your last action cannot be undone.
Undoes your last action.
Edit Menu
Use this menu to work with text, delete objects and set the preferences.
Quits 窶廚DFinder窶 and saves all changes you have made in any catalog files.
Prints the contents of the active window.
You can specify printing options (such as the number of copies you want) in the dialog box that appears.
Not available because the current window can not be printed.
Displays a dialog box for setting paper size, orientation, and other printing options.
Not available because only catalog contents or the found objects can be exported.
Exports the contents of the current catalog or the found objects into a text file for further processing.
Not available because there is no information available for the current selection.
Displays information about the selected item (for example, its kind, size, and creation date).
You can rename catalog files or folders here!
Not available because a dialog window is currently active or the "Find" window is already the current window.
Finds and selects items with the characteristics you specify.
Automatically creates catalogs of all newly inserted volumes. If possible, these volumes will be ejected afterwards.
Use this function to create catalogs of a large number of volumes.
Updates the selected catalog.
Not available because no catalog is selected in the main window.
Updates the selected catalog.
If the volume belonging to the catalog is not online, CDFinder will request you to insert it!
Not available because a dialog window is currently active.
Opens a dialog window where you can select a currently mounted volume to create a catalog of.
Hint: You can also just drop one or even more volume icons into the main window to accomplish the same thing!
Not available because the main window cannot be closed or the selected catalog folder is already closed.
Hint: To quit CDFinder, use "Quit" in this menu!
Closes the frontmost window or closes the current catalog folder.
Not available because no object is selected.
Opens the current object, a catalog, a folder, or opens the selected catalog folder.
Not available because catalog folders can only be created in the main window.
Creates a new catalog folder to organize your catalogs.
File Menu
Use this menu to add or modify catalogs, print windows or find items.
You can find interesting information about CDFinder right here.